Ecosystem Health Index Report
Fitzroy Basin Ecosystem Health Index Report Card

Summary of Results for 2023-24
The overall Ecosystem Health index for the Fitzroy Basin waterways remained a B (Good). During the past 14 years of reporting, the overall grade has remained relatively stable. Report Cards give a snapshot of waterway health for the year of sampling. The results reflect interactions of climate, flow, the mobilisation of salt, nutrients and sediments in the landscape, as well as human activities, and any consequent changes to ecology over time. It is at an individual site level, where small variations in grades can be seen and related to ecosystem processes.

Indicators generally met desired levels. This category was graded "Good" across all 11 freshwater catchments.

Nutrient indicators had mostly "Good" grades and some "Fair" grades throughout the Fitzroy Basin.

Toxicant values improved in all catchments except for the Upper Isaac and the Lower Dawson. Copper and Aluminium have been detected in lower concentrations this year throughout the Basin, which has produced this improvement in scores and grades
Ecology values decreased across the Basin except for Upper Isaac, Callide and Upper Dawson. This is mainly due to lower Macroinvertebrate scores which are influenced by medium to long term accumulation of reduced water quality and habitat pressures, as well as flooding and dry spells.