Under 600 mm
600-700 mm
700-800 mm
800-1000 mm
Over 1000 mm


The above map shows the average rainfall for each catchment in the Fitzroy basin from 1961 to 1990

This is a long-term average of rainfall from 1961 to 1990. Generally the climate is wetter as lattitude increases, and drier with increasing distance from the coast.

Rainfall is a natural climatic driver and provides the source of water for our waterways. The amount, duration and intensity of rainfall impacts directly on water quality and ecology. The Fitzroy Basin has dry winters and wet summers and our reporting revolves around a water year (July to June) for this very fact. By July, rains have petered out and rivers have returned to base flows or, in most cases, stopped flowing completely. Mean annual rainfall varies from 600 mm in the west, to 800 mm in the east, peaking at 1000 mm in northern coastal area.

Data Source: Bureau of Meteorology