Ecosystem Health Index Report

Fitzroy Basin Ecosystem Health Index Report Card








very low
very high

Summary of Results for 2011-12

Most reporting areas remained stable or improved in 2011-12, with the exception of the Connors and Marine zone and this led to the Fitzroy Basin retaining an overall C grade. All reporting areas retained their grading from the previous year, except the Lower Dawson, which moved to a B.
It was a less extreme wet season compared to the previous year. Generally there was an improvement in turbidity, metal and nutrient results and a decline in salt and sulfate scores.
Factors that influenced the scores in this report card included less intense rainfall and flow than the previous year resulting in less catchment runoff as well as prolonged river flow in the second half of 2011 fed by higher groundwater levels.
In 2011-12 the Marine zone was again found to be in poor condition. This is likely attributable to continuing impacts from the 2011 floods resulting in larger sediment and nutrient loads reaching the marine area, as well as physical disturbance from storms during that period.

Adequate data exists for most water quality indicators in some reporting areas. Major data gaps remain for many some indicators, particularly indicators in the ecology category . Preliminary work is currently underway to help address the issue of monitoring gaps and associated data deficiency in the longer term.
The current report focuses on aquatic ecosystem health. Drinking water reporting for Rockhampton Regional and Central Highlands Regional Councils will be released in the near future.

"Providing a more complete picture of river health for the Fitzroy Basin."