Borrow a Monitoring Kit
Individuals, schools and community groups are invited to get involved in local waterway monitoring. We have a range of resources available to support you to test your local waterways and increase awareness of waterway health. If you are from a school, your first step should be to see if your school or science club has equipment you can use. If not, we have equipment you can borrow to test the Fitzroy Basin’s waterways. Equipment can be borrowed for one week, for use within the Fitzroy Basin and is subject to availability. Longer periods will be assessed upon request. Please use the form below to express your interest. Our team will get back to you with availability and to organise collection of your kit.
Data recorded from your sampling will need to be added to our MyWater portal. This allows you to see how your results fair in terms of an overall grade from A to E, like what is used in our annual ecosystem health report cards.
We have the following resources available to assist you:
- Water sampling and monitoring field guide
- Field Sheets
- Waterway Monitoring Equipment List
Our aim is to increase the data entered by the community into our MyWater portal, so we can have one of the largest citizen science water sample databases in Australia! Thank you for helping us work towards this goal.

If you are interested in borrowing a monitoring kit, please fill out the contact form below.