Tunuba: A joint Darumbal and CQG Consulting venture

Tunuba Pty Ltd is a joint venture between the Darumbal People and CQG Consulting to deliver a range of land management and professional services to support the livelihood and economic development of local Indigenous people.
CQG has a reputable track record as an environmental consultancy, has established working relationships with Traditional Owner groups throughout Queensland and is leading the environmental package for the Australian-Singapore Military Training Initiative (ASMTI) Facilities Project at Shoalwater Bay Training Area (SWBTA).
Darumbal and CQG have a long established relationship built on over 20 years working together with a shared vision of cultural and environmental protection while enabling sustainable development.
The collective Indigenous and scientific knowledge and shared passion for protecting country, including waterways, has seen the Tunuba team involved in several projects in the catchment including:
- Protected plant surveys on Nurim (Mt Archer);
- Ecological and water quality investigations across Shoalwater Bay;
- Weed surveys and treatment for quarry operators and Qld Parks and Wildlife;
- Fauna spotter catching for Rookwood Weir Project.
- A range of services for Defence contractors including Laing O’Rourke, Downer FKG, Conrad Gargett, Augility, WSU Shamrock and FKG.
Tunuba looks forward to growing its business and opportunities to have Darumbal People work on land and sea country to protect their environmental and cultural values.