
River Health News

Cotton Australia: Sustainable cotton production in the Fitzroy Basin

2023-06-22T05:11:38+10:00June 19th, 2023|

Cotton Australia: Water stewardship and sustainable cotton production in the Fitzroy Basin Since becoming the first Australian agricultural industry to independently assess its environmental impacts [...]

Glencore: Water management initiatives at Glencore Coal’s Clermont Mine

2023-06-19T03:27:25+10:00June 19th, 2023|

Glencore: Water management systems and initiatives at Glencore Coal's Clermont Mine In 2021, after years of persistent dry conditions and minimal rainfall, many mining [...]

BHP BMA: Scientists, Traditional Custodians and BHP come together for Great Barrier Reef coral spawning

2023-06-22T05:04:16+10:00June 19th, 2023|

BHP BMA: Scientists, Traditional Custodians and BHP come together on 'floating lab' for Great Barrier Reef coral spawning With Australian reefs facing ever [...]