How we operate
We exist because of the ongoing support of a committed group of partners, whose dedication to independent reporting of waterway health in the Fitzroy Basin ensures annual report cards are published year on year. Our partners represent a diverse range of organisations committed to creating a better water future for the Fitzroy Basin.
Partners Network
All partners nominate a representative of their organisation to join our Partners Network. The Partners Network meets biannually to receive performance reports, contribute to forward planning and to nominate and endorse a management committee.
Management Committee
The role of the Management Committee is to provide strategic oversight and direction on operational matters. The Management Committee is selected from the Partners Network. When electing members to the Management Committee, the Partners Network endeavour to strike a reasonable and equitable balance between major partners and partners, extractive and primary industries, government organisations and other Partners Network members. The Management Committee comprises of at least 5 and up to 15 members, including the Chair and Deputy Chair and endorses the host organisation and secretariat arrangements. Ā Meetings are held up to four times per year, with two conducted in person.

Independent Science Panel
The role of our Independent Science Panel is to scrutinise results and ensure our reporting is backed by the best available science. An Independent Science Panel was established prior to the formation of Fitzroy Partnership for River Health in 2012. Our panel consists of a team of scientists with different backgrounds ensuring a wide spread of river health knowledge.

Strategic Direction
We continue to assess our strengths and together with our partners, set our vision and priorities for the future of the partnership. A five-year strategic plan for the Partnership has been developed and endorsed by the Management Committee and can be found here.

Where does the Partnership fit?
The diagram below shows how Partnership activities inform policy, planning and resource management.