Origin Energy: Caring about our impact – Dukes Plain offset area
Origin purchased Dukes Plain in 2013 to help meet the environmental conditions and offset requirements for the approval of the Australia Pacific LNG project.
The offset area is located near Theodore in central Queensland and covers approximately 4,500 (ha). It is situated within an ecological corridor of significance as identified by the Queensland Government and provides an important biodiversity linkage between the Isla Gorge and Precipice National Parks.
In 2017 the Shankeen Nature Refuge was extended over the entire offset area, delivering even greater protection for its biological diversity and cultural value.
The offset area encompasses 14 regional ecosystems within nine broad vegetation groups, with almost two-thirds of the area containing ecosystems such as woodlands and open forest, vine thickets, and areas of pasture grasses which are valuable habitat for flora and fauna.
Fauna such as the Yakka skink (Egernia rugosa), Dunmall’s snake (Furina dunmalli), Corben’s long-eared bat (Nyctophilus corbeni), and the Pale imperial hairstreak butterfly (Jalmenus eubulus) are supported within this habitat.
Dukes Plain also supports commercial activities as part of an integrated land management approach and for the last 40 years has been a certified organic cattle grazing property.
Through a carefully managed focus on organics and cell grazing, the current long-term lessee is assisting in the management of fuel load on the property, minimising the risk of bushfire and helping to improve the condition of the habitat.
Remote sensing of the property using LiDAR monitoring has shown significant increases in vegetation height across parts of the offset area. This confirms that the brigalow and semievergreen vine thicket threatened ecological communities are improving through the implementation of ongoing offset management practices.
Origin is proud of the success of the Dukes Plain offset area and will continue to safeguard the property’s health and ecological values it supports into the future.