

Sed interdum massa lacus, a porttitor risus gravida sed. Nulla ultricies ex non sagittis vulputate. Integer fringilla convallis risus, id semper est interdum non.


Quisque molestie tristique nisi et luctus. Proin eget velit quis lorem euismod pulvinar. Phasellus lobortis tellus dignissim metus varius volutpat. Integer a lacus mauris.

FBA: CQ graziers create healthy wetlands

June 19th, 2023|

FBA: CQ graziers create healthy wetlands Nankin Wetlands are located just outside of Rockhampton. They are part of the Fitzroy Delta and listed as a Nationally Important Wetland in Australia. The Nankin wetlands are unique as they are located on a grazing property called Broadmeadows, owned by Robert and Michele Lang. The property covers 984 hectares and is largely marine plain with grass sedge wetland country. CQ’s Natural Resource Management organisation, Fitzroy Basin Association (FBA) has worked closely with Robert and Michele to improve the property to allow for sustainable grazing alongside functioning wetlands. Robert Lang is passionate about having the two co-exist successfully. “We have so many native animals and birds out here, local birdwatchers can name about 118 species of birds on these wetlands”, said Robert. Water-spreading banks were constructed in 2017 and 2018 and additional banks were constructed in 2021 to reduce water run-off, erosion and scalding by slowing water flow across the property and improving ground cover. By slowing the water run-off, the banks are also stopping the movement of sediment and allowing better water infiltration in the salt-affected areas. Satellite imagery of the property was captured in May 2021 before the construction of [...]

Cotton Australia: Sustainable cotton production in the Fitzroy Basin

June 19th, 2023|

Cotton Australia: Water stewardship and sustainable cotton production in the Fitzroy Basin Since becoming the first Australian agricultural industry to independently assess its environmental impacts in 1991, the Australian cotton industry has been quietly improving its sustainability. Managing sustainability, like growing cotton, is a complex process. The Australian cotton industry has a sustainability framework called PLANET. PEOPLE. PADDOCK. which coordinates a whole-of-industry approach to managing the environmental, social and economic factors most important to its stakeholders. One of the environmental topics managed by the industry is water use. The industry’s water goal matches the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal: to significantly increase water use efficiency over time, within sustainable river and ground water system withdrawal limits. Here, Emerald cotton grower Graham Volck describes how he manages water quality and water efficiency on his farm. The 4 key cotton farming parameters influencing farm water quality are shown in Figure 1. Irrigation efficiency All irrigation water leaving fields is captured in water storages and re-used. Rain events of 25mm or less are similarly captured. This attribute of farm design recognises the value of water and significantly reduces the opportunity for environmental harm. Maintaining good water quality in farm storages reduces the risk of environmental impacts if water [...]

FBA: Lower Fitzroy streambank stabilisation project

June 19th, 2023|

FBA: Lower Fitzroy streambank stabilisation project Watching his property slowly be claimed by the river was the upsetting reality for Bill Kirkwood, property owner at Yaamba, north of Rockhampton. With 180m of land lost, and 515,000 tonnes of sediment washed down the river, it was no small victory for Bill, Fitzroy Basin Association (FBA) and the Reef getting this loss under control. By stabilising the riverbank on this property, Bill has created a better local ecosystem for stock and native animals; plus has left the land in better condition for the new property owners Grant and Rebecca Cassidy.  The future of the Reef is looking dramatically less murky with an estimated 23,000 tonnes of fine sediment saved from entering the Fitzroy River every year. When sediment enters the Reef it creates turbidity which leads to reduced light for seagrasses and coral which can reduce their growth and affect their reproduction and early development along with creating other implications. Daniel Boshoff, FBA’s NRM Manager worked closely on this project and noted that, “everyone has a role to play in protecting the Reef. Land managers who reduce sediment run-off to improve waterway and reef health are helping to create long [...]

Glencore: Water management initiatives at Glencore Coal’s Clermont Mine

June 19th, 2023|

Glencore: Water management systems and initiatives at Glencore Coal's Clermont Mine In 2021, after years of persistent dry conditions and minimal rainfall, many mining operations and landowners in the Fitzroy Basin were facing the reality of a water shortage. Glencore Coal’s Clermont Mine, situated within the Wolfang Creek catchment and forming part of the Nogoa River catchment, was one of several operations adversely impacted by drought. All of Glencore’s operations have comprehensive water management strategies in place to manage droughts and floods. The strategies ensure that Glencore: Operates in accordance with their environmental authorities Minimises impacts on local waterways and groundwater systems Uses water efficiently Protects mining operations from flooding Plans for and provides sufficient water infrastructure to support mining. In the case of Clermont Mine, prolonged dry conditions posed a threat to the site’s water supply. Clermont Mine has a single open cut pit and one main water storage dam. The site has no external water supply. In 2021 the site initiated their Water Reduction Task Force, bringing together team members from a cross-section of the mining operation. The Task Force commenced monitoring and tracking daily water usage to evaluate the risk of [...]

BHP BMA: Scientists, Traditional Custodians and BHP come together for Great Barrier Reef coral spawning

June 19th, 2023|

BHP BMA: Scientists, Traditional Custodians and BHP come together on 'floating lab' for Great Barrier Reef coral spawning With Australian reefs facing ever growing pressures from a range of environmental and human-induced impacts, research to support innovative reef resilience, adaption and restoration is needed now more than ever. In November 2022, marine scientists gathered with Traditional Custodians on Woppaburra sea Country for an ambitious field event during the annual mass coral spawning on the Great Barrier Reef. The expedition, led by the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS), advanced understanding of how to help fasttrack reef recovery and trained participants in coral aquaculture techniques to help them manage sea country in the future. Over 40 people were involved in the event at North Keppel Island (also known as Konomie by the Woppaburra people) near Yeppoon. The science team were based on a bespoke floating laboratory - a car barge turned into a science facility. The vessel holds research aquaria systems to support investigations on coral spawning and coral seeding. Land based activities were held at the Konomie Environmental Education Centre. Dr Carly Randall, AIMS ecologist and lead of the Woppaburra Coral Project said the expedition was an exciting [...]

Anglo American: eDNA trial supports biodiversity assessment in the Fitzroy

June 19th, 2023|

Anglo American & FBA: eDNA trial supports biodiversity assessment in the Fitzroy Anglo American is working with the Fitzroy Basin Association (FBA) to improve the health of the Fitzroy Basin's waterways through trialling a new technology for biodiversity assessments called eDNA sampling. eDNA works by detecting microscopic amounts of DNA which animals leave behind in the water, like skin or faeces. Using this data, scientists can examine the types of animals which interact with the rivers and creeks without actually seeing them. Anglo American water specialist, Tim Kendrick, said the eDNA technology has advantages over some traditional methods of undertaking biodiversity studies. “eDNA is a safer, less intrusive and cost-effective approach to qualitatively determining the biodiversity in our local and regional waterways because we don't need to capture or sight the animals that inhabit an area – we can simply look at the DNA material that the different animals leave behind,” Tim said. “By targeting sampling programs on waterways it allows us to assess a broader area for a wider variety of species as these act as natural ‘funnels’ for DNA material so we can detect the presence of rare or hard-to-find species. eDNA has [...]

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