
Inshore Marine Conditions

In 2022, the Partnership reintroduced marine grading to show inshore marine conditions adjacent to the Fitzroy Basin. Knowing the effects of pressures on marine habitats helps target management actions and inform the community.

Marine monitoring reflects the condition and trend of important ecosystems in inshore waters and water quality. The inshore marine health of the Fitzroy region is represented by three indicators: water quality, coral, and seagrass.

This grading is made possible by the Marine Monitoring Program coordinated by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) and water quality monitoring by the Great Barrier Reef Foundation (GBRF) and including major partners, the Australian Institute of Marine Science and James Cook University.

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GBR MMP Reports

This marine report is based on data from the Marine Monitoring Program coordinated by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and including major partners, the Australian Institute of Marine Science and James Cook University. Reports can be found at the GBRMPA ELibrary: Browsing the ELibrary.