Australian and Queensland Governments: Reef 2050
Protecting the Reef
Everyone has a part to play to keep the Great Barrier Reef healthy and resilient. The Australian and Queensland governments are investing more than $3 billion over 10 years (from 2014-15 to 2023-25) to implement the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan (Reef 2050 Plan). Following the first five-yearly review of the plan, an updated version has been released to ensure it continues to address the right priorities and actions to support the health and resilience of
the Reef including a greater focus on taking action on climate change.
Fitzroy Partnership for River Health is an important stakeholder in the ongoing work to measure the health of waterways that lead to the Great Barrier Reef, and promote ongoing management change and water stewardship activities with partners. The work of Fitzroy Partnership for River Health particularly aligns
with integrated water quality monitoring and report card programs in the Fitzroy Basin priority catchment.
To find out more about the updated Reef 2050 Plan and ways you can get involved to help protect the Reef, visit