FBA, Australian and Queensland Governments: Streambank stabilisation project reduces sediment

The Fitzroy region has experienced a number of major climate events in recent years: including annual summer wet season flooding, Cyclone Marcia in 2015 and Cyclone Debbie in April 2017 which caused wide-spread devastation. During Cyclone Debbie, a stretch of riverbank along the Fitzroy River retreated approximately 20 metres mobilising 266,000 tonnes of sediment into the waterway.
The 1.2km stretch of damaged riverbank located north of Rockhampton became the subject of an Australian first streambank stabilisation project. The $1.8 million project, delivered by FBA and jointly funded by the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA), was completed in 2019.
For six months, the project created 12 full-time jobs in the region, and extended the capability of local suppliers. It is estimated this project will save *90,000 tonnes of sediment from entering the river system annually with long-term benefits to not only the local waterways but also to the health of the Great Barrier Reef.
Project outcomes also included protection of nesting habitat for the critically endangered White-throated Snapping Turtle and Fitzroy River Turtle, water and feed availability for cattle to retreat to in the event of a high flood event and improved resilience for the local ecosystem.
* Source: modelling from endorsed project site reports
- 90,000 tonnes of sediment stopped
- 200,000 m³ of soil excavated
- 70,000 native plantings sourced from local council nurseries
- 1,742 log piles to stabilise riverbank (repurposed from Cyclone Debbie)
- 887 m³ of rock beaching
- 1.2 km of stock exclusion fencing
- 2 coordinated aerial shoots for pest control.