Consultation Up to Now

Substantial engagement of stakeholders, the community and government has continued over the last 12 months to ensure the strategic direction of the WQIP:2015 was focussed and prioritisation of future activities informed with the best science available. Refer table below to see who some of the participants have included.

Further engagement and communication of the WQIP:2015 is planned for delivery over the next few months and you can have your say on any page of the website by leaving a comment at the end of the page.


Date Enagagement Purpose Attendees/Audience Description
27-Jun-14 Planning Meeting Discussion on direction to take for WQIP Key Stakeholders included:

FBA staff and presenters, Science experts, Consultants

Australian Government: GBRMPA

Queensland Government: EHP, DNRM, DAFF

Natural Resource Regional Groups: BMRG & NQ Dry Tropics & Reef Catchments

Rockhampton Regional Council

Initial discussion with key stakeholders and likely delivery partners to set the direction of the Fitzroy WQIP.
03-Jul-14 Planning Meeting AG requirements for the WQIP Australian Government Ensuring that the AG requirements were being met.
08-Jul-14 Information meeting Information Session Rockhampton Council Meeting to discuss the WQIP and the likelihood of an Urban component to be developed
10-Jul-14 Planning Meeting Discuss links between WQIP and FPRH Fitzroy Partnership for River Health (FPRH) Meeting to discuss linkages between the WQIP and what the FPRH delivers.
14-Jul-14 Planning Meeting Discuss links between WQIP and GPC biodiversity offset strategy requirements. Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC) Discussion of linking the WQIP in with GPC’s BOS requirements (including their own WQIP)
16-Jul-14 Information meeting Information Session FBA Staff (middle management and above) and sub-regional Executive Officers Develop a WQIP for the region. What the plan will involve, timelines and likely involvement in the development.
15-Oct-14 Information meeting Information Session FBA AGM, includes FBA Board and community members (approximately 40 people) WQIP, what it will entail and how delivered.
27-Nov-14 Project meeting Kick-Off meeting Delivery Partners:



Science experts

Program meeting involving major project proponents
26-Mar-15 Project meeting Progress meeting Delivery Partners Project progress. Alignment of timelines between sub-program deliverables
15-Apr-15 Information meeting Information Session Sub-regional EOs WQIP project, progress to date and discussion
17-Apr-15 Information meeting Information Session Australian Government Presentation of program status, and demonstration of website
21-Apr-15 Information meeting Information Session Queensland Government – EHP Presentation of program status, delivery plan, demonstration of website.
01-May-15 Science review meeting Present program logic and sub-programs FPRH Science Panel Presentatio of WQIP work plan. Proposed linkages of sub-programs and request for science panel to add as the critical scientific review panel for the WQIP
01-May-15 Project meeting Planning meeting – wetlands Queensland Government – EHP Meeting to discuss wetlands component of WQIP
15-Jun-15 Information meeting Information Session FBA Staff (operations and engagment teams) and sub-regional EOs Plan progress, upcoming activities and their involvement.
16-Jun-15 Scheduled Workshop Workshop prioritisation Wetlands and aquatic habitat experts/managers Included people from CQU, GA, EHP GBRMPA, FBA, community Wetlands DSS and EcoCalculator (blue maps) prioritisation
24-Jun-15 Information meeting Information Session Landholders, Sub region groups


Presentation given during &Outlined what the WQIP was, what would come out of it, timelines and involvement from stakeholders.
26-Jun-15 Committee meeting Information Session FRCC (Capricorn Catchments) committee members Presentation to the FRCC (Capricorn Catchments) committee
15-Jul-15 Community meeting LMAC local community Local Marine Advisory Committee LMAC,

local representatives

Presentation of the WQIP
22-Jul-15 Forum Fisheries Forum Recreational and commercial fishing GBRMPA

Boat Charter industry

Rockhapton Regional Council Fisheries ministers

Presentation of the WQIP
06-Aug-15 Workshop Workshop WQIP reports Science Experts


Reviewed sub program reports

Integration of information into the WQIP

18-Aug-15 Reef Trust 1 Kick-Off meeting Kick-off meeting for the Reef Trust 1 program. FBA


Regional groups

Presentation of the WQIP
25-Aug-15 FBA NRM sub-committee meeting Provide FBA’s board with a summary of the WQIP process FBA Board Presentation of the WQIP
25-Aug-15 Qld Govt meeting Summary of the WQIP process and key findings Queensland Government


Presentation of the WQIP
28-Aug-15 Science Panel Review Review of WQIP project reports by the science panel Science Panel Review of the WQIP science reports
08-Sep-15 LMAC – Local Marine Advisory Committee Summary of the WQIP process and key findings Community engagement opportunities Local Marine Advirory Committee Presentation of the WQIP
14-Oct-15 FBA AGM Provide a presentation to FBA community stakeholders and inform on the process for public consultation Various FBA membership and industry partners Some examples of the electronic format that the WQIP:2015 will be presented as a final instrument
26-Oct-15 Ag Proioritisation Meeting Provide presentation for WQIP and then prioritise areas of potential project works in grazing and grains FBA delivery staff and Subregional Executive Officers Prioritisation completed
27-Oct-15 Environment Program Proioritisation Meeting Provide presentation for WQIP and then prioritise areas of potential project works in Ecosystems repair/maintenance FBA delivery staff and Subregional Executive Officers Prioritisation completed